About the Author

Febornia Abifade
For most women conception is easy, but for a growing number of us conception is complex and heart wrenching. I had my fair share of miscarriages, having to bury my daughter Blessing and the nightmare of hereditary difficulties in childbirth, which plagued four generations in my family.
Finally, after several years of marriage and praying warfare prayers, God’s mercy prevailed and I conceived. Nine months of daily prayers, confessing the word of God and speaking in tongues yielded fruit and I gave birth to a beautiful child, a perfect gift from God. I thought in my ignorance that the battle was over. To my surprise the war had only begun.
My new challenge was: How do I purposefully and practically raise this child in the way of the Lord? My greatest desire was for this child to love and serve the Lord.
The first book: ‘Praying the Body Parts’, is one of a series of books that begins this process. It is purposefully short as most mothers don’t have much reading time. Looking inwardly at my own life, I wanted these books to be an easy 30 minutes read for any parent. The first half of this book guides you on the correct principles to enter into God’s presence for your prayers to be heard. The second half consists of prayers taken directly from the Word of God to bless your child. Each body part has a representation in the realm of the spirit and the bible clearly teaches us that we must decree blessings upon our children. It is also intended that parents do these prayers twice a week for example Wednesdays and Fridays or at bedtime or in the morning with their child.
The second book: ‘Bedtime prayers for protection’ is also divided into two parts. The first half of the book teaches the principles of how to enter into God’s presence and also devotional praise for protection and deliverance. The second half of the book consists of prayers and illustrations to give your child a visual understanding of the Word of God. This will build love and confidence in Christ our savior. Although this book resolves nightmares for children, it can also be used for protection during the day or at any time.
As you and your child read these books I pray that the Lord’s Word will dwell richly within your hearts. Remain Blessed in Jesus name.
Most frequent questions and answers
To build a spiritual prayer bank for our child’s future.
The opportunity to bless their child’s future.
Decrees and blessings which focus on the child’s body. Most parents are unaware that the head of a person is their destiny. Therefore, by praying on the head you are ensuring that God will honor his word in the child’s destiny.
My personal trials and tribulations have actually helped me to seek help from God and not man. These books are from a place of love, personal devotion, and sacrifices in prayers to seek answers from God. I want all children to benefit.